cruise missile
A cruise missile ") is a missile equipped with an engine and wings that allow him to take a guided trajectory. The first rockets cruises were developed in the '30s and' 40s (World War II); the first cruise missile usedTypes of Cruise Missiles
1) Land Attack Missile (LACM)
The LACMs are designated cruise missiles to hit stationary targets or moving. Although the cost of each missile is around a million dollars a piece, the acuratezza and the range are preferable to the use of a plane. Only the US and Russia have produced LACMs with range between 1000 and 3000 km and can be launched from land, ships, aircraft and even submarines; only recently have been Europeans and Asians have gained LACMs to be used on multiple platforms.
The most famous is the LACM Tomahawk (TLAM Tomahawk Land Attack Missile), which will have been launched by the hundreds in the most recent wars (Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya) from the United States this tactic was favored in many contexts for destruction heavily defended targets. in war was the V1 of Germany; cruises today are the basis of modern warfare.
2) Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ACMs)
The anti-ship missiles have a similar structure to LACMs but differ in driving and tested system. The ASCMs were developed during World War II but were never used. Today warships are equipped with far fewer guns than the past decades but are armed with many more missile systems view the acuratezza and long distance cruises that feature. Russia was the first country to deploy missiles on ships with cruise SS-N-2 Styx (P-15 / 4K-40 Termit)
the Cruise Missile propulsion
A cruise missile is equipped with a motor 2 main types:
Turbofan and Turojet (respectively turbofan and turbojet) for subsonic missiles.
Ramjet (ramjet) and Scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) for super and hypersonic missiles.
Some types of missile also feature a final stage of propellant to make the cruise even faster.
1) Cruise Subsonic
It defines a subsonic missile that travels at a speed lower than that of sound (Mach 1); The subsonic missiles have a wider range of others which is around 800 km. This type of cruise is generally smaller than the supersonic: the disadvantage is that a subsonic missile can be shot down with much more ease than a super / hypersonic
2) Supersonic Cruise
With supersonic includes a missile traveling at a higher speed of Mach 1. This type of missiles is difficult to detect and to break down but has a radius of less share than the subsonic: typically largest is the missile will be wider the range.
3) Hypersonic Cruise
The cruises are hypersonic missiles traveling at speeds greater than Mach 5. missiles are mostly experimental and development. The US, Russia, India and China are developing hypersonic missiles.
Flight trajectory
The flight path of a cruise missile depends mainly on the launch pad, the guidance system and the goal to hit.
1) Flight to "flush the soil" or "trickle" (Sea skimming and Terrain Hugging)
The anti-ship missiles ASCMs generally follow a water flush trajectory, then flying a few meters above the surface. The profile of the missile makes it invisible to enemy radar (because of the curvature of the earth) until it reaches a distance from the lens of about 30km (this is valid unless an airborne radar) is not used. Travel along a trajectory at very low altitude involves a high fuel consumption compared to trajectories with more high altitudes.
The LACMs generally follow the shape of the terrain to ASCMs likewise, having so often change their altitude.
2) Profile mixed altimetry
Many cruise missiles following a mixed path: once launched, flying at high altitude until you come down low over the approach zone of the lens. All this provides a considerable increase in the mixed range to an anti-radar profile in the final part of the trajectory, using in some cases also of the final placement supersonic.
3) Elevation profile high
Some cruises missiles fly at high altitudes only to make the final dive on target. The highest elevation profile involves a much wider range than other types. The disadvantage of these cruises is the ease with which they can be detected and shot down.
A cruise missile ") is a missile equipped with an engine and wings that allow him to take a guided trajectory. The first rockets cruises were developed in the '30s and' 40s (World War II); the first cruise missile usedTypes of Cruise Missiles
1) Land Attack Missile (LACM)
The LACMs are designated cruise missiles to hit stationary targets or moving. Although the cost of each missile is around a million dollars a piece, the acuratezza and the range are preferable to the use of a plane. Only the US and Russia have produced LACMs with range between 1000 and 3000 km and can be launched from land, ships, aircraft and even submarines; only recently have been Europeans and Asians have gained LACMs to be used on multiple platforms.
The most famous is the LACM Tomahawk (TLAM Tomahawk Land Attack Missile), which will have been launched by the hundreds in the most recent wars (Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya) from the United States this tactic was favored in many contexts for destruction heavily defended targets. in war was the V1 of Germany; cruises today are the basis of modern warfare.
2) Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ACMs)
The anti-ship missiles have a similar structure to LACMs but differ in driving and tested system. The ASCMs were developed during World War II but were never used. Today warships are equipped with far fewer guns than the past decades but are armed with many more missile systems view the acuratezza and long distance cruises that feature. Russia was the first country to deploy missiles on ships with cruise SS-N-2 Styx (P-15 / 4K-40 Termit)
the Cruise Missile propulsion
A cruise missile is equipped with a motor 2 main types:
Turbofan and Turojet (respectively turbofan and turbojet) for subsonic missiles.
Ramjet (ramjet) and Scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) for super and hypersonic missiles.
Some types of missile also feature a final stage of propellant to make the cruise even faster.
1) Cruise Subsonic
It defines a subsonic missile that travels at a speed lower than that of sound (Mach 1); The subsonic missiles have a wider range of others which is around 800 km. This type of cruise is generally smaller than the supersonic: the disadvantage is that a subsonic missile can be shot down with much more ease than a super / hypersonic
2) Supersonic Cruise
With supersonic includes a missile traveling at a higher speed of Mach 1. This type of missiles is difficult to detect and to break down but has a radius of less share than the subsonic: typically largest is the missile will be wider the range.
3) Hypersonic Cruise
The cruises are hypersonic missiles traveling at speeds greater than Mach 5. missiles are mostly experimental and development. The US, Russia, India and China are developing hypersonic missiles.
Flight trajectory
The flight path of a cruise missile depends mainly on the launch pad, the guidance system and the goal to hit.
1) Flight to "flush the soil" or "trickle" (Sea skimming and Terrain Hugging)
The anti-ship missiles ASCMs generally follow a water flush trajectory, then flying a few meters above the surface. The profile of the missile makes it invisible to enemy radar (because of the curvature of the earth) until it reaches a distance from the lens of about 30km (this is valid unless an airborne radar) is not used. Travel along a trajectory at very low altitude involves a high fuel consumption compared to trajectories with more high altitudes.
The LACMs generally follow the shape of the terrain to ASCMs likewise, having so often change their altitude.
2) Profile mixed altimetry
Many cruise missiles following a mixed path: once launched, flying at high altitude until you come down low over the approach zone of the lens. All this provides a considerable increase in the mixed range to an anti-radar profile in the final part of the trajectory, using in some cases also of the final placement supersonic.
3) Elevation profile high
Some cruises missiles fly at high altitudes only to make the final dive on target. The highest elevation profile involves a much wider range than other types. The disadvantage of these cruises is the ease with which they can be detected and shot down.